Capacity is one of the most important factors in determining the type of unit to be selected. There is a partial correlation between steam conditions and capacity. Maximum pressures and temperatures seldom prove economical except in the higher capacity ranges.
Limitations imposed by steam pressure and temperature are predominantly structural. They affect the weight of steel required, hence the cost; temperature affects the space required by the superheater and adaptability of the boiler to provide that space.
In an existing building both shape and volume of the space available have a marked effect on the capacity of the unit to be installed, type of firing, and possibly the range of fuels which can be fired at a given capacity.
Caution should be exercised in the degree to which first cost is allowed to influence the equipment selected. A complete economic study should be made by considering the load factor of the installation, the cost of fuel, and the efficiency of the installation as a whole rather than the boiler equipment alone. A small plant with an ample supply of low priced fuel and a seasonal load of a few months each year can justify standard boiler and natural draft.
However, a plant with a load factor approaching 100% using a high priced fuel can readily justify an efficient fuel burning system, high steam pressure and temperature, and induced draft fans. The cost of the fuel burned during the life of such a unit may be many times the initial investment. Even a small advantage in reliability, efficiency or flexibility gives economic justification for the relatively small additional first cost necessary to provide the better unit.
How EG Appliance Repair Inc Professionals In Los Angeles Can Help You Today!
Los Angeles appliance repair supports various neighborhoods in the Los Angeles with proper and reliable service. As soon as all repair work is complete, residents return to their daily errands and routine and continue their lives without inconveniences caused by faulty appliances. The company provides repair service for various appliance brands, models and types, including Viking, Jenn Air, KitchenAid, Maytag, Whirlpool and many others. Don’t hesitate inquire about your appliance model type and brand to see yourself what can be done to improve the situation.